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Where to Get Help in Illinois


where-to-get-help-in-illinois--element28The Path to Postpartum Emotional Wellness is a FREE workshop for pregnant and new moms, whether first-timers or more experienced, on how to nurture yourself and emotionally prepare for the adjustment of adding a new baby to the family.

The workshop is run in January, April, July and October in Northbrook.

Call 847 791-7722 to register or for more information and dates click here.

The workshops are led by Dr. Sarah Allen, Director of the PPD IL Alliance, who has extensive psychotherapy and research experience treating pregnant and postpartum mood disorders.


where-to-get-help-in-illinois--element26The PPD IL Alliance New Moms support group is designed to help pregnant women and women with children under the age of 1 year. You may bring your infant with you to group sessions, and breastfeeding is welcomed.

New Moms Supporting Each Other is a FREE professionally guided bi-monthly support group for mothers with their babies (ages 0 to 12 months) that meets in Northbrook.

Discussions will address postpartum issues in a safe, non-judgmental environment. We will share the excitement of motherhood and address the challenges of parenting together. Please call 847-791-7722 to register for the next session or click here for more details.

The group is led by Dr. Sarah Allen, Director of the PPD IL Alliance, who has had extensive psychotherapy and research experience treating pregnant and postpartum mood disorders.


Disclaimer: Postpartum Depression Illinois Alliance (PPD IL) is not responsible for any individual member’s practice and is by no means recommending or endorsing any particular member, support group or treatment center on the list. PPD IL is merely providing a list of service providers and resources available.


women-strollersHealthcare Alternative Systems (HAS) Post Partum Depression Program
North Side Location: 2755 West Armitage, Chicago, IL 60647.
South Side Location: 4534 S. Western Ave. Chicago, IL 60609
Contact: Jennifezr J. Novak, MS, MFT — Psychotherapist and Program Supervisor 773-254-5141.
Marisol Vega, intake or (773) 252-3100 ext. 116.

The Postpartum Depression Program @ H.A.S. offers: ALL SERVICES ARE FREE OF CHARGE and made possible by a grant from the Illinois Department of Human Services

  • Clinical evaluations and assessments.
  • Psychotherapy for women suffering from or at risk for developing PPD following the birth of their baby (free of charge).
  • Psychiatric evaluation and medication, if deemed appropriate by their Psychiatrist (free of charge).
  • All services are offered in English and in Spanish
  • Individualized treatment plans
  • Case management services
  • PPD trainings for healthcare and social service agencies (staff) and informational trainings/presentations for prospective clients.

“Transitions to Motherhood Part 2” meets weekly at Northwestern Memorial’s Prentice Hospital on Wednesdays from 10:30 – Noon. New members can register by calling 312-926-8400. The group is ongoing and members can enter at any time, although they are asked to pay nominal tuition every 4 weeks.

Women’s Behavioral Health Services Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
446 East Ontario, Suite 7-100
Chicago, Illinois 60611
Jackie K. Gollan, Ph.D.
Phone: 312-695-8249

The UIC Women’s Mental Health Program

The UIC Women’s Mental Health Program provides inpatient and outpatient treatment for a range of perinatal illnesses, with treatment consisting of individual therapy (CBT, Interpersonal Therapy, Group Therapy) and medication management with emphasis on pregnancy and postpartum. Additionally, one-time consultations are offered for cases related to medication management in women that have psychiatric illness and are planning pregnancy.

Inpatient: (312) 996-7000 (make sure to ask for Psychiatry on call) &
Outpatient: (312) 355-1223 or see

The UIC MotherCare Circle

The Women’s Mental Health Program at UIC Medical Center is offering a group called The MotherCare Circle which assists parents in understanding the often confusing behavior of infants and young children, and builds confidence in parenting by helping parents learn to read their child’s behavior. The MotherCare Circle runs in 10 week sessions each Wednesday from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. Childcare provided. Infants that are not yet crawling are welcome to attend the group with you.

The MotherCare Circle will be billed as group therapy to your insurance provider. The Women’s Mental Health Program is located on the 3rd floor of 912 South Wood Street, Chicago, IL 60612.

Registration is mandatory. Interested women should contact Agnieszka Wrobel, BA at 312.413.1967 or Nikki Lively, LCSW at 312.355.4387 to schedule an intake and informational session.


Door of Hope

Our support group is free. It is called Door of Hope and meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 11:00 – 12:30 at Alexian Brothers Medical Center, 800 Biesterfield Road, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007.

Contact person/facilitator: Laura Spencer RNC, Postpartum Anxiety and Depression Support 847.437.5500 ext. 3181.
Babies are welcome.


NorthShore University HealthSystem

1-866-364-MOMS (1-866-364-6667) hotline of is answered live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by caring, non-judgmental licensed mental health professionals. All of us care about giving information, emotional support or referrals you need to start feeling better. We serve women and families in need of support over pregnancy, postpartum or perinatal loss. We can talk to you in any language through interpreters. Most of our referral information is for Illinois, especially Cook and Lake counties, but we try to help every caller regardless of where she lives.

You are not alone. We’re here to help. You don’t have to be a patient to call.


W.I.N. (Women in Need of Prenatal and Postpartum support)

Sponsored by Delnor Hospital and free of charge, this support groups meets weekly on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. at TriCity Family Services, 1120 Randal Court, Geneva, Illinois. (Child care for older children is provided). The group is co-led by a family therapist and a lactation specialist. This group is always open to new members. Registration is required by calling TriCity Family Services at 630-232-1070


Postpartum Depression/Anxiety Support Group

6 week group, Wednesdays 1:00 to 2:30 Nominal fee group/babies welcome.
United Way Agency Family Network – groups meets at 330 Laurel Avenue in Highland Park, Illinois.
Call for information and to register 847-831-7731.


Alexian Brother Pregnancy & Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorder Program

Perinatal Depression Support Group: Offered through the hospital three times a month for women who are suffering with a pregnancy or postpartum mood disorder.

Couples support Group: for couples who need support dealing with PPD or pregnancy depression/anxiety. This is a support group that offers additional education regarding

PPD and discussion about their changing roles as parents.

Prenatal screening: Offered in the OB’s offices; followed up by our Program contacting the women who are at risk for a perinatal depression. We meet and prepare a Birth Plan for the woman, collaborating with her CNM, OB, Pediatrician, Behavioral Health specialists, and our OB department.

Education: regarding postpartum depression offered to the patients and families during their hospital stay and after discharge from the hospital.

Outpatient consultations & evaluations for psycho-education and referrals are made to behavioral health professionals.

Collaboration with various community agencies: Lactation Consultants, Home Health Nurses, Behavioral Health professionals, EAPs, Marketing department, physicians and nurses. This is an essential part of the success of the model program.

Respite Program: providing day or night care of both mother and baby. This is available to women who are a part of our Program.

For further information or referrals to our Program please contact Leslie Lowell Stoutenburg RNC, MS, FACCE Director, Pregnancy & Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorder Program 847-755-3220.


phone-helpFrom Despair to Hope Postpartum Depression Program at PHD, a counseling center for pregnancy help and education.

Address: 1610 Colonial Parkway, Inverness, IL 60067
Contact: Melissa M. McKissack, MSW, or Kim Stobbe, LCSW at 847-359-4919.
Or e-mail Melissa McKissack at or Kim Stobbe at


  • Clinical assessments and evaluations of perinatal women.
  • Counseling services for women who are pregnant or have a child under the age of 3 (free of charge).
  • Postpartum Depression Support Groups in collaboration with Northwest Community Hospital.
  • Postpartum Depression education given to clients as well as significant others and family members.
  • Assistance in providing the client with necessities for a child; such as diapers, formula, and clothing.
  • All services available in English and Spanish.


New Moms Supporting Each Other is a therapeutic, professionally guided group for mothers with their babies (ages 0 to 12 months) that meets the first and third Monday of the month in Northbrook. Discussions will address postpartum issues in a safe, non-judgmental environment. We will share the excitement of motherhood and address the challenges of parenting together.

Address: 3400 Dundee Rd. #245, Northbrook, IL.
Please call 847-791-7722 to register or see for more details.


P.A.S.T. Postpartum Adjustment Support Team holds a free support group the first and third Tuesday of the month from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (meetings begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.) at Advocate Christ Conference Center, 9400 S. Kilbourn, Room 0614, Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453 (Entrance off Kilbourn Ave, next to Imaging Center).

Free parking is available. Infants are welcome

Please call 708.684.1333


Parenthesis Parent Child Center
405 South Euclid Oak Park, IL 60302

Parenthesis Parent Child Center offers a free support group for women struggling with issues of postpartum depression. Groups are open to residents of Oak Park, River Forest, Forest Park and surrounding communities, and will run for seven-week sessions. There is no fee, and childcare is available. Topics covered will include:-the myths and challenges of adjusting to motherhood-overcoming negative thought patterns-the role of medication in treatment-creating and finding support networks-self care techniques-skill building for the future In addition to the group format, home visits with case management services can also be provided to residents of Oak Park, River Forest and Forest Park, for assessment/screening.

The group is not currently running, but will begin again if there are enough people wanting to sign up.

These specialized services are available for mothers registered in the group, who may need more individualized service for a short-term period. To learn more about this group or to register, please contact: Mary Strizak, LCSW(708) 848-2227 (office) or (708) 945-0053 (office cell) or Ann Puccetti, MSW(708) 848-2227 (office) or (708) 945-0056 (office cell).


OSF Saint Francis Women’s Services:

Glen Professional Plaza-3rd floor
4911 N. Executive Drive Peoria, IL 61614.
Phone: (309) 683-6672


Out of the Blue, a mutual self-help support group affiliated with PPI, meets the second Wednesday of each month @ 5-6 PM in the Carol Jo Vecchie Women and Children’s Center at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, IL.

Phone: 217-535-3696 or 1-800-392-6587.

Contact person:

Barbara Maley RN, BSN Nursing Staff Educator Birth Center Ext. 30393


Nurturing Mom: A support group for post-partum depression and anxiety

The birth of a baby can trigger powerful emotions, from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. But it can also result in something you might not expect depression and/or anxiety. The Nurturing Mom support group will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 11:45 am, immediately following Cradle Talk (a weekly support group designed for new first-time parents and their newborns). The group meets at Edward Hospital’s 55 Diehl Road location in Warrenville, Door G. Babies are welcome. No registration necessary.

You may call the Cradle Talk line at (630) 527-3957 for directions to the facility.

Call the Mom’s Line:

Edward also provides a phone line dedicated to women, or anyone concerned about a woman, who may be experiencing signs or symptoms of post-partum depression. Call our Mom’s Line at (630) 527-7294.


Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield

We offer our free Postpartum Connection Support Group every Wednesday from 11:00am-12:30pm and Thursdays from 6:30pm-8:00pm. Central DuPage Hospital recognizes that perinatal mood disorders are a common challenge for many women. Our Postpartum Connection Support Group provides new mothers with the supportive intervention that is crucial during this time of transition. If you are experiencing any of the perinatal mood disorder symptoms, our facilitators are specially trained to help and support you. We want you to know that you are not alone, you are not to blame and you will feel well again. Children are welcome.

Our facilitator is Stephanie Krantz – e-mail is Tel: 630-933-1964

If you run a free support group please email to be added to our resource list.

Disclaimer: Postpartum Depression Illinois Alliance (PPD IL) is not responsible for any individual member’s practice and is by no means recommending or endorsing any particular member, support group or treatment center on the list. PPD IL is merely providing a list of service providers and resources available.

Other Resources


The Crisis Nursery

family-helpThe Crisis Nursery provides short term care for children ages birth to six (6.11 years) for families who are experiencing a severe disruptive crisis such as domestic violence, parental stress, home crisis/homelessness, legal issues, family medical problem, mental health, substance use/abuse, public support/services, job/school issues or family instability.

Maryville’s Crisis Nursery provides intervention, community based resource referrals and support to families for their re-stabilization and empowerment. Children will receive 24-hour quality care for up to three (3) days depending on the needs and goals of the family. An experienced Family Advocate Worker will be available 24 hours a day to connect families with community resources to meet the health, housing or emotional needs of the families. In addition, the Family Advocate Worker is available to provide counseling to the family going through crisis as needed.

4015 N. Oak Park Ave. Bldg. B
Chicago, Il 60634
24 hotline: 773-205-3637

The Crisis Nursery is a FREE program. There is no charge associated with the use of the Nursery. Here is the link for Crisis Nursery: One of a Kind. Very brief, but moving.

The Fussy Baby Network

Located in Chicago, we offer telephone support, home visits, parent groups, and a Fussy Baby Clinic for families with questions about crying, sleeping or feeding during the first 12 months of their baby’s life.
Contact info:; 1-888-431.BABY answered M-F 9am to 5pm; e-mail All calls are welcome.

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS)

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services is committed to providing comprehensive care to ensure the health of woman and children through several initiatives. HFS funds initiatives such as the UIC Perinatal Mental Health Project and reimburses Illinois healthcare providers for screening for peripartum depression.

Illinois Perinatal Mental Health Project

The HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) Illinois Perinatal Mental Health Project at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is designed to increase understanding and awareness of mental health issues that can develop and/or intensify during pregnancy and postpartum (the perinatal period) among health care providers, affected women and family members in Illinois by offering a free consultation line, training workshops for providers and clinical consultations.

Request a workshop

Call the Consultation Line (Providers only): 1-800-573-6121

Jennifer Mudd Houghtaling Postpartum Depression Foundation

The foundation was set up to encourage and assist hospitals in creating effective programs to identify and treat postpartum depression sufferers and to add new public education efforts.

Melanie’s Battle

Melanie’s Battle is a website devoted to raising awareness of postpartum psychosis and depression.

PCC Community Wellness Center

PCC Community Wellness Center provides comprehensive primary healthcare to Chicago and surrounding communities.

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Postpartum Depression Illinois
Postpartum Depression Illinois
Postpartum Depression Illinois
Postpartum Depression Illinois
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